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SOLD OUT - Autographed Copy of WIRED DIFFERENTLY: My School Journey by Donta Scott - SOLD OUT

An autographed copy of WIRED DIFFERENTLY: My School Journey by Donta Scott


University of Maryland basketball star, Donta Scott was what is commonly referred to as a “bad” kid in elementary and middle school. As a young boy, he exhibited persistent refusal to comply with school rules and expectations. Today he is the highly respected leader of a nationally ranked Terrapin basketball team. One of the toughest players in college basketball, Scott shares his thoughts on his own educational journey.

Students and student-athletes in behavioral and special education programs, often feel a stigma that interferes with arranging for psycho-educational testing to evaluate the possibility that these youth have learning disabilities and determine whether they are eligible to receive special education services.


Scott walks readers through his own educational career. He details how his youth coach connected his academic performance to opportunities to play basketball. He discusses his high school selection process. More importantly, Scott explains how he took control of his educational decision-making during his college recruitment.

Scott offers students, parents and youth coaches clear examples and practical advice. Anyone that is responsible for or working with young boys exhibiting behavioral issues in school should read this book. Special education students and their parents must familiarize themselves with Scott’s story.